Saturday, August 20, 2011

Beans, the magical fruit.

So it's been 6 days since I planted the red kidney beans and baby limas and they are growing like crazy.  I added about 4 square feet of green beans right next to them a few days ago and today I finished out the bed with 6 square feet of lentils and 6 square feet of black beans. 

The black eyed peas are popping.  Every day I pull a handful off the bushes and take them in to finish drying.  Once they are dry, I move them to a brown paper bag until I'm ready to shell and store them.  I had no idea is would be so easy to grow them!  I took a bag of dried black eyed peas we had used for a dish, took a handful out, put them in the ground, and haven't done anything else to them.  And recently I found out black eyed peas are a good cover crop, returning nutrients back to the soil for whatever I plant in their place next.  Boo yah!

Planted 3 4" containers of celery, plan to plant 3 every few weeks from here out.  As the seedlings are ready for transplant, I'll reuse the container for the next batch.  Staggering the yield since I have no strategy for storing celery.

Planted a 6" container of peppermint, plan to keep it carefully contained as it has a tendency to take over from what I've been told.  Need to get some markers to keep track of containers.  Once I get some markers, I plan to start some small containers of long chilli peppers, jalapeno peppers (thanks Chris for the seeds), and some scotch bonnets for my buddy Don.

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